The Curse of WilNOT Power Station

18 November 2020

Looking after our existing power stations is the biggest part of Hydro Tasmania’s annual workload and budget. There are rolling schedules of maintenance and outages planned years in advance, which often take more than a year to complete. But even though we’ve been doing this for decades, there are sometimes still a few surprises in store.

Person walking up tunnel from underground power station

The underground world of hydropower

06 May 2020

Sure our dams are impressive, but while you stand in awe of what's before you, you’re missing a whole world hidden below.

olga alternative

Revisiting Hydro’s history and heritage

25 February 2020

It's been 37 years since plans for the Lower Gordon power scheme were abandoned after one of the most divisive environmental campaigns in Tasmania's history. From those controversial times came a deepened commitment by Hydro to environmental planning, revegetation and site restoration.

NRM NOrth Tamar

Muddying the waters – managing sedimentation in the kanamaluka / Tamar Estuary

28 October 2019

Anyone living in or around Launceston would be familiar with the flood of controversy surrounding the quality of water in the kanamaluka / Tamar estuary. But a new report has shown water

The legacy of John Butters

02 January 2019

It’s not every day that a power station evokes tears of sentimental joy but that is precisely the effect the John Butters Power Station had on one special visitor recently.

Aerial view of Cluny dam and power station

Cluny gets a little work done

24 August 2018

No not that Clooney. Our Cluny is about 30m tall, largely made of concrete and surprisingly about six years younger. Clearly, power stations deteriorate at a faster rate than Hollywood icons (arguably, they work a little harder), and the ‘work done’ here is closer to reconstructive surgery than your average aging actor face lift.