Revisiting Hydro’s history and heritage

25 February 2020

It's been 37 years since plans for the Lower Gordon power scheme were abandoned after one of the most divisive environmental campaigns in Tasmania's history. From those controversial times came a deepened commitment by Hydro to environmental planning, revegetation and site restoration.

Waterbug training TAS John

The Waterbug app - don't judge a bug by its cover

04 December 2019

Bugs – they're not for everyone, especially those hardcore arachnophobes who generally jump and run at the mere sight of one. Or so I've heard.

West header

West: Out on the Edge

03 December 2019

We’re very proud to be a major partner of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG)’s West: Out on the Edge, a captivating new multidisciplinary exhibition exploring a unique region of our state. Tasmania’s west is a complex and compelling place, isolated by its extreme terrain but strengthened by its history and community.

Devils Gate Dam on spill

Hey, you all want to go down to Devils Gate Dam?

07 November 2019

If your first thought here is a leather-clad rock chick, well, you’re certainly not alone, even if it’s just the two of us. One of us might even have trouble seeing the name Devils Gate Dam without bursting into a few bars of the song made famous by Suzi Quatro. But, there’s more to this than seventies nostalgia and ground-breaking female bass guitarists.

NRM NOrth Tamar

Muddying the waters – managing sedimentation in the kanamaluka / Tamar Estuary

28 October 2019

Anyone living in or around Launceston would be familiar with the flood of controversy surrounding the quality of water in the kanamaluka / Tamar estuary. But a new report has shown water

To the Moon and back

To the Moon and back - space technology driving life on earth

16 August 2019

If you are old enough to remember watching the Moon landing on your black and white television in 1969, you will remember it as a defining moment in our history. But what does this have to do with Hydro Tasmania?